Registration for Pengajian Islam

Pengajian Islam Masjid Ar-Raudhah

Fields marked with an * are required

Student Particulars / Keterangan Pelajar

Date of Birth *
Gender *

Language Use/Bahasa Turutan

In case of emergency / Talian kecemasan

Information Summary


You will need to make the following payment before registration

1) Registration Fee / Yuran Pendaftaran ($15)
2) Miscellaneous / Rampaian ($50)

You may make payment via:

Bank Transfer
Bank Name: OCBC
Bank Account Number: 501-806368-001 Current Account


UEN (Unit Entity Number) S93MQ0024E
(Lembaga Pentadbir Masjid Ar-Raudhah)

Please email proof of payment to